mardi 2 avril 2013

Bourse doctorale Machine Translation Amsterdam

Une offre très intéressante à l'ILLC (Université d'Amsterdam) pour un poste de doctorant financé (4 ans) en traduction automatique, dans le laboratoire de Traitement Statistique du Langage et apprentissage

Date limite: 30 avril 2013

Salaried PhD position in Machine Translation with Parsing (Hierarchical)

Applications are invited for a salaried four-year Ph.D. position in Machine Translation within the fast growing Statistical Language Processing and Learning Lab.<> at
the ILLC (University of Amsterdam).

This is a salaried position with competitive salary and social benefits according to the Dutch four year PhD system.

The suitable candidate has a Master degree in computational linguistics,
artificial intelligence or a similar computational background with excellent
results. See requirements and eligibility criteria before applying on <>

*Details and application*
The full text of this vacancy and instructions for application are found at <>

The closing date for all applications is 30 April, 2013.

The position is a four-year Early Stage Researcher pre-doctoral
position. The position is part of the new EU Framework 7 Marie-Curie
Network EXPERT, <><> concerned with the exploitation
of empirical approaches to machine translation, including statistical
machine translation and example-based machine translation.

*Further Information*:
For further information on the position, please feel free to contact:
Dr Khalil Sima'an<>
email: k.simaan[at]<>

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