vendredi 1 mars 2013

post-doc: linguistique computationnelle, systèmes de dialogues, pragmatique

Bourse post-doctorale de 3 ans ouverte au ZAS (Berlin), sur un projet intitulé  "Pragmatic Requirements for Answer Generation in a Sales Dialogue". Date limite le 15 mars.

Job Type: Researcher, full time, 36 months
Specialisation: Computational linguistics, dialogue systems, pragmatics
Application Deadline: 15-March-2013

The Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin, Germany, invites
applications for a post-doctoral researcher specializing in
computational linguistics with expertise in developing dialogue systems
with a starting date of June 1st, 2013, or soon thereafter. The position
will be part of a research project funded by the German Research
Foundation on "Pragmatic Requirements for Answer Generation in a Sales
Dialogue" (PRAGSales; Principal Investigators: Anton Benz, ZAS, and Ralf
Klabunde, University of Bochum). The goal of the project is to model
three interacting pragmatic aspects of utterance generation between an
artificial consultant and human customers: the use of rhetorical
relations, framing effects, and implicatures. The key innovative aspect
of this project is the application of game theoretic methods to the
generation of pragmatically optimal answers. Recent years saw the
development of theoretical models. The implementation should help to
further refine these models, and to test the sustainability of their
theoretical assumptions. The applicant should have
  • Interest to work with game theoretic methods in pragmatics.
  • Solid experience with developing complete dialogue systems.
  • Knowledge of both statistical and rule-based methods for natural language processing.
  • Solid programming skills.
  • Ability to work independently and self-motivated.
Basic knowledge of German is considered necessary, and applicants with good command of German will be given preference. Further, knowledge of
discourse semantics and / or computational semantics is an advantage.

The salary is figured according to the union contract named TVöD E13.
The period of employment will be for 36 months. The project PRAGSales is
partly located at the ZAS, and partly at the University of Bochum. It is
conducted under the joint supervision of Anton Benz (ZAS) and Ralf
Klabunde (University of Bochum). The place of employment for the current
position is Berlin, Germany. It will be affiliated to the
semantics-pragmatics group at the ZAS.

Applications should include CV, an outline of research experience, as
well as names and addresses of up to three references. Applications
should be sent by email to the address below. The position will be open
starting June 1, 2013. Applications received by March 15, 2013 will
receive full consideration, although interviews may start at any time
and will continue until the position has been filled.
Disabled applicants will be preferred if they have the same
qualifications as non-disabled applicants. The Centre for General
Linguistics (ZAS) is a leading research centre in the field of
theoretical and experimental linguistics, and strives to increase the
proportion of women in research and teaching, and therefore encourages
qualified female scientists to apply.
Further information can be found at the application website address below.

You are welcome to seek further information by contacting Anton Benz via
e-mail, e-mail address below.

Application Deadline: 15-March-2013
Email Address for Applications:


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