mardi 7 février 2012

Offre (indirecte) de post-doc, Barcelone

Une offre "indirecte", puisqu'il faut encore monter le dossier, et en plus il faut se dépêcher...
Mais le projet de recherche est très intéressant...

We are looking for a postdoc to be incorporated into a project "Compositionality of meaning and semantic operations at the syntax-semantics and grammar-cognition interface" which started in January                      
2012. We are looking for someone with the background in semantics, with the focus on experimental semantics/pragmatics.  One of the tasks within the project will be concerned with conducting experimental research, we can provide more detailed information on request.                                              

Since the position is not paid directly by the project, the interested person will have to apply for a grant in the Beatriu de Pinós program, which is open right now. The information about the grant (including formal requirements for the applicants, duration, salary, etc.) is available here.
The deadline for applications is February 27.                                                  

For any further information please contact
Olga.Borik -at- or                                  
Teresa.Espinal -at-                                            

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