mercredi 29 janvier 2014

Stages chez Adobe en Californie

Bien sûr, c'est un peu loin pour un stage de 12 semaines, mais on ne sait jamais... Adobe (la société qui a inventé PDF) cherche des stagiaires pour travailler sur la "gestion de dialogue statistique":

We are looking for interns to work on statistical dialog management for digital media and digital marketing applications.

 The internship will be at the System Technology Lab (STL) at Adobe Research ( located in San Jose, California. It is 12 weeks long and can start any time from March 1, 2014.

Beyond Adobe's traditional strengths in media technologies, this lab is focused on research opportunities in areas related to digital marketing and media optimization (e.g., Adobe?s Digital Marketing Cloud). Adobe provides digital marketing solutions to its customers including bank hotels, online retails, and insurance and entertainment companies.


The applicant should be either at the final stage of a Master's or in a Ph.D. program in Computer Science, Statistics, Operations Research, or related fields, with a strong background in natural language processing, machine learning and good programming skills. Knowledge of dialog management and reinforcement learning will be considered as a plus.

Application Submission:

We encourage the applicants to apply as soon as possible, but the screening of candidates will continue until the positions are filled. The application should include a brief description of the applicant’s research interests and past experience, plus a CV that contains her/his degrees, GPAs, relevant publications, name and contact information of up to two references, and other relevant documents. Please send your application to Trong Bui.

samedi 11 janvier 2014

Bourse doctorale de mobilité (sortante)

Le Label  Empirical Foundations of Linguistics offre 5 bourses de 4000 € pour soutenir la mobilité de doctorants en linguistique, qui désirent faire un séjour à l'étranger dans le cadre de leurs travaux de recherche.
Date limite de dépôt du dossier: 15 janvier.

Plus de détails