mercredi 31 octobre 2012

Bourses PhD: approches expérimentales du langage

Les candidatures sont ouvertes pour des bourses doctorales dans le cadre d'un programme Erasmus Mundus appelé "International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain". Date limite le 15 novembre.

We are now accepting applications for the Erasmus Mundus Program "International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain" (IDEALAB) .
The PhD program has been established as an outstanding 3-year doctoral training to its candidates to study structure, processing and foundations of human language integrating interdisciplinary approaches.

For this purpose, four European universities  (Potsdam (GER),Groningen (NL), Newcastle- upon-Tyne (GB), Trento/Rovereto (IT)) and one non-European university (Macquarie University Sydney (AU)) provide an intellectual environment for original and independent research on experimental and clinical aspects of language and the brain.  Associated members from Research & Development industries contribute in various ways to the program and stimulate an innovative environment. They are potential co-supervisors and are involved in training.
Finally, there are seven clinics associated to the consortium, amongst others the non-European rehabilitation center in Moscow which is the world?s largest centre for language disorders in the world. The associated clinics provide internships to study unimpaired as well as impaired language of children and adults.

The program is jointly offered by a transnational consortium with an integrated study program along with required mobility between the participating institutions. The mobility plan of each individual young researcher is tailored according to the particular specialities required by the thesis topic.

The application period ends on November 15, 2012.  Further information can be found at our website:

La future salle machine

Dans peu de temps, nous allons renouer avec une situation perdue depuis que Paris 7 a quitté Jussieu (au siècle dernier...): le cursus LI va disposer d'une salle machine digne de ce nom, dans les locaux Olympe de Gouges.

Pour le moment, la salle ressemble à ça:

... mais bientôt, j'espère, il y aura des ordinateurs sur les tables, et une armoire pour Talisman...

vendredi 26 octobre 2012

Jobs: CDD Développeur Interface Homme Machine/ Extraction d’Information

La plateforme digital CorText  de l’IFRIS propose actuellement un poste de développeur logiciel d’intégration de système pour l’annotation de graphes.

Plus de détails.

jeudi 25 octobre 2012

On recherche sujets d'expérience

Dans le cadre d'une recherche sur les mécanismes impliqués dans la compréhension du langage, on recherche des sujets prêts à répondre à un questionnaire en ligne. Cela prend environ 15 minutes.

jeudi 18 octobre 2012

Job: Bourse de thèse à Tilburg

Le Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) et le Tilburg Department of Philosophy offrent une bourse de thèse portant sur la modélisation logique et computationnelle du raisonnement moral.

Un domaine dans lequel les compétences d'un linguiste informaticien peuvent être utiles, surtout si elle vont avec une curiosité pluridisciplinaire. La date limite est le 15 novembre.

*PhD student in Logical and Computational Models of Moral Reasoning*

The Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) and the
Tilburg Department of Philosophy invite applications for a PhD
position in logical and computational models of moral reasoning.
Individuals are encouraged to apply who have an interest in logical
and computational theories of ordinary reasoning, in linguistic
semantics, and in formal ethics.

*The job*
In recent years there has been a remarkable convergence between 1) the
modal logic of graded modalities, as exemplified by David Lewis' early
work on counterfactuals, 2) the linguistic semantics of modal verbs,
including /should/ and /ought/, as exemplified by Angelika Kratzer's
work, and 3) recent work on contextualist ethics (Janice Dowell,
Stephen Finlay, Gunnar Björnsson and others). The PhD student will
work in this general area and will focus on the definition of a set of
tableau rules for moral reasoning. There will be close collaboration
with researchers working in the NWO funded program "Towards Logics
that Model Natural Reasoning" led by Reinhard Muskens (see, but also with the Tilburg Ethics
Research Group led by Alan Thomas (see The selected candidate is
expected to have written a PhD thesis by the end of the contract.

*Your profile*
- You have a Master's degree in linguistics, logic, artificial
   intelligence, formal ethics, or a related field.
- You have excellent writing skills and a good command of English.
- You have proven research abilities and formal skills.
- You look forward to working in an interdisciplinary research team.
- You have experience in logic and in formal semantics or in
   computational semantics in the logical tradition.
- You are strongly motivated to complete a PhD thesis within four

*Employment terms and conditions*
Tilburg University is rated among the top Dutch employers, offering
excellent terms of employment. The collective labour agreement of
Tilburg University applies. The selected candidates will start with a
contract for one year, concluded by an evaluation. Upon a positive
outcome of the first-year evaluation, the candidate will be offered an
employment contract for the remaining three years. The PhD candidate
will be ranked in the Dutch university job ranking system (UFO) as a
PhD-student (promovendus) with a starting salary of E 2.042.-- gross
per month in the first year, up to E 2.612.-- in the fourth year
(amounts fulltime). Candidates from outside the Netherlands may
qualify for a tax-free allowance equal to 30% of their taxable salary.
The university will apply for such an allowance on their behalf. The
Faculty will provide assistance in finding suitable accommodation. The
university offers very good fringe benefits (it is one of the best
non-profit employers in the Netherlands), such as an options model for
terms and conditions of employment and excellent reimbursement of
moving expenses.

The Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science is devoted to
the study of logic and philosophy of science in all its forms.
Researchers working at TiLPS have a particular interest in using
formal methods, such as logic, game theory, decision theory, and the
like, to fields that are of relevance to /people/, such as human
reasoning, human decision making, human language and human
deliberation. This also results in a strong interest in the
philosophical problems of economics and the social and behavioural
sciences. The Center supports a full calendar of events, including
regular research seminars, workshops, conferences and a lecture
series, and is involved in the teaching of graduate students. The
Center maintains relations and sponsors programs with other units at
Tilburg University, including the Department of Philosophy, the
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the Faculty of
Social and Behavioural Sciences.

*Information and Application*
For more information, please contact Dr Reinhard Muskens, or Prof. Alan Thomas, (but do
/not/ send them your application).

Applications (in English) should include a cover letter, a curriculum
vitae, a two-page research proposal, and the names of two references.
You are also invited to include a sample of your writing if one is
available in English, French, German or Dutch. The application
deadline is November 15, 2012.

In order to apply, please go to and click one of the
links at the page bottom.

*Recruitment Code*
Tilburg University applies the recruitment code of the Dutch
Association for Personnel Management & Organisation Development (NVP).

The text of this vacancy advertisement is copyright-protected property
of Tilburg University. Use, distribution and further disclosure of the
advertisement without express permission from Tilburg University is
not allowed, and this applies explicitly to use by recruitment and
selection agencies which do not act directly on the instructions of
Tilburg University. Responses resulting from recruitment by
non-contractors of Tilburg Universities will not be handled.

vendredi 5 octobre 2012

Job (stage): Mysoft: Amélioration d'un dictionnaire médical

Un stage chez MySoft, qui est entre autres le distributeur du logiciel de correction orthographique Antidote. Plusieurs étudiantes du cursus (1 actuellement en M2, 1 en M1) viennent de finir un stage là-bas, vous pouvez leur demander leur avis.